Microchip Technology announces AVR-IoT

    Microchip Technology announces AVR-IoT
    October 19, 2018 Noble Partners

    October 10, 2018 —Microchip Technology announced an Internet of Things (IoT) rapid development board as part of an expanded partnership with Google Cloud, enabling designers to prototype connected devices. The solution combines an AVR microcontroller (MCU), a CryptoAuthentication secure element IC and a fully certified Wi-Fi® network controller to provide a way to connect embedded applications. Once connected, Google Cloud IoT Core helps collect, process and analyze data to inform decisions at scale.

    The AVR-IoT WG Development Board gives developers the ability to add Google Cloud connectivity to new and existing projects using a free online portal at www.AVR-IoT.com. Once connected, developers can use Microchip’s rapid development tools, MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) and Atmel START, to develop and debug in the cloud. The board combines smart, connected and secure devices to enable designers to connect IoT designs to the cloud, including:

    AVR microcontroller (MCU) with integrated peripherals: The ATmega4808 8-bit MCU brings the processing power of the AVR architecture with added sensing and actuation features. With the Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) that decrease power consumption, it provides performance in real-time sensing and control applications.

    Secure element to protect the root of trust in hardware: The ATECC608A CryptoAuthentication device provides a protected identity for each device that can be securely authenticated. ATECC608A devices come pre-registered on Google Cloud IoT Core and are ready for use with zero touch provisioning.

    Wi-Fi connectivity to Google Cloud – The ATWINC1510 is an industrial-grade, fully certified IEEE 802.11 b/g/n IoT network controller that provides a connection to an MCU of choice via a flexible SPI interface.

    As announced last week, AVR devices are now beta supported in the MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), giving designers the option to choose between MCC or Atmel START when developing with the AVR-IoT Development Board. The board is compatible with more than 450 MikroElektronika Click boards that expand sensors and actuator options. Developers who purchase the kit will have access to an online portal for immediate visualization of their sensors’ data being published.